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Road trip on a bike vs car

Thursday, May 19, 2011

First let me establish my credibility on this subject of road trips (RT). I do a lot of them! I'm addicted to travel. The longest car drive I've gone on was a 900 Km drive over 4 days and the longest I did on a bike was the recent Masinagudi trip - 1400 kms in two days. I have done close to 6 car trips and 2 bike trips.

I've never done a LONG RT in a bike, so this Masinagudi trip was the first. I had quiet an enlightenment of the differences between bike trips and car trips.

  1. Bike is much smaller than it looks. I was in a bullet and even that seemed smaller to all the stuff I was carrying. I had a backpack filled with biscuits, water, juice, two sets of clothes, rain protection gear and MY CAMERA(DSLR). (And the other rider just had shorts and raincoat in a pouch! ) I didn't have lot of space in the back. But I was able to adjust due to my thin frame.
  2. Take two plastic covers, big ones.  One, to keep all the stuff in when it starts to pour and another to put the trash in. Believe me, India is beautiful. Some of the places I've gone through is so beautiful, I can't begin to describe it. Hence, I carry a cam to show everyone that. So please keep the place clean, wherever you go. 
  3. It's a bike, you need more protection. Wear shoes, jeans and a tough denim jacket if you do not have professional gear. Most importantly, wear a helmet. It might be no one's fault when an accident happens. But, better safe than sorry. 
  4. If it's not a high-tech helmet you are wearing, the chances are there is no provision for ventilation. When you are riding/sitting pillion for quiet some time, you begin to feel sleepy for two reasons - highways are smooth, so monotonous and the when you have the visor of your helmet closed, you don't get fresh air in. So to avoid falling asleep, and eventually falling off the bike, you better open the visor for some time after an interval of time
  5. Take all the time you need to gear up before you get on that bike. Gear up well
  6. Bum is gonna hurt so bad after a long ride on a bike, you wont even want to sit for at least 3 days after the ride, unless you are an IRON BUTT. :)

please add more tips for bike RT's, if you got any!



    yeskay May 21, 2011 at 7:46 AM  

    Puncture set if at all your tyre goes flat.

    Joe May 23, 2011 at 12:21 AM  

    Yup, forgot about that.. thanks YesKay


    Hari May 25, 2011 at 6:14 AM  


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